The revolution has begun!

Digital amps along with digital xovers are the future.....and you can have it NOW. I am not going to say that a $1400 Peachtree GaN1 amp will sound better than a $120K MSB Select, $145K Boulder Preamp and Bouder $250K mono blocks with $20K worth of cables in between (over half a million plus power cords and amp stands)......but it did beat the Holo May KTE with the Holo Serene Pre and Kinki B7 mono blocks with $1000 worth of interconnects ($13k). So what will it take to beat this $200 digital board from Elegant Audio Solutions powered from a $100 switching power supply? With a digital amp you do not need a DAC or a preamp or regular amp with feedback, tubes, or transistors. With digital amps you can bi or triamp your speaker drivers directly without the distortion of passive components. In fact, I would bet that if you bought two GaN 1 amps, bought the $600 digital xover from minisdp (with great linear supply and great coax cables) and biamped some drivers directly that it would sound better than most $50K systems. You could get 2 12 inch woofs and mount them on an open baffle and put a beryllium tweenter on top and set the xover to 1K or less (48db per octave). You hardwire your speaker cable to the woofers voice coil wires and use Music Purifiers and Ground Enhancers on each driver.....Bybee Clarifiers on the back of the woofer magnets.......speaker wires hardwired via plastic clamps into the amps (no binding posts or spades allowed here!). Of course, you can triamp.....and manufacturers will soon have powered digital speaker so all you will need is a source.

There will be other manufacturers designing and building digital amps that will (no doubt) be better than the EAS boards.....but they will come at a price. These, yet to be made digital amps will blow the industry wide no more big heavy expensive boxes will ever need to be purchased......but what EAS has not is fantastic. When I do some mods to the Peachtree amp next month it should get a step or two better. Have fun!

I have started a webpage about all this and more and will be updating it continuously.

Post removed 

asvjerry, so if you fill the page with post after post of nonesense it will make the thread irrelevant? Or do you have some other motivation for these posts?

I just watched a woman describing her Near Death Experience......she said she went into the light and through a tunnel and God grabbed her hand......she was overwhelmed with love like she had never experienced. God told her she had to go back and she pleaded with God.....saying that she is so loving and takes care of everyone (she seriously wanted to stay there). God said.....well, did you love them the way I am loving you? And she replies.....well, I am just human........and God looks at her and says "You can do better".......and two seconds later she was back in her body. This is what the soul is doing here.....learning to "do better"......

Everyone.....What is your better? Please show us. You are all loved, you are all worthy. Please give the best of your love. We all want it.

Music Purifiers, Ground Enhancers, Bybee Clarifiers, oh dear, what nonsense.

No one ever got something for nothing.

Not only emperors are taken in by new clothes.

Stay away.

I'm very impressed with the quality of music I'm hearing with my Mini GaN 5 Power Amplifier.

I'm usually more on other forums because this forum seems to bring out aggressiveness or criticism despite the fact that this hobby is a very subjective one.


I am trying a Class D amp for the first time based upon some opinions of posters in another forum that I trust. Instead of sneering at it, I found that you can actually buy equipment on a trial basis in many places so there is little risk. 


I'm liking what I'm hearing so far but there are caveats to my enthusiasm such as I am listening to speakers in a different place and set up. As we all know, if you really want to test something out, you want to control all of the variables. I can't right now because I'm having some work done and my top speakers are being protected from construction dust. However, I'm hearing detail from the speakers I'm using that I hadn't heard in their previous system. Whether that is room related or amp related is something I will try to figure out.


Anyhow, I just want to point out that there is no sense in pooh-poohing (or doo-dooing) something new without trying it. It may not work for everyone's ears or there may be no synergy with everyone's system but a poster who is excited about something new shouldn't hear boo birds just because some posters have engrained biases. Pointing out factual problems is fine. Booing an opinion, to me, crosses a line.