If you are considering the pearls I highly recommend auditioning Rockport Avior ii speakers as well. You will be glad you did. A truly amazing speaker! Happy listening !
Joseph Audio: Perspectives and Pearls
There have been several recent threads that have included both of these speaker. However, much of the discussion has focused on the Perspectives, with a number of positive reviews. I am quite interested in hearing them, but am also seriously considering the far more expensive Pearls as well.
I am wondering if anyone has done a direct comparison or has upgraded from the Perspectives to the Pearls? I am specifically interested if the Pearls might overwhelm my room (13 X 18 with 9 foot ceilings) which is not a space dedicated to my system (it's my living room.)
Thanks in advance for your experiences with these two speakers.
A quick update: I still haven't heard the Perspectives but am told it will be this week. In the interim, I am curious about what speaker cables have you used with the Perspectives? The dealer is pushing hard on Stage III for both speakers and upgrading my interconnects, but those alone are approaching the cost of the Josephs! I want to do some research on balancing the relative investment in various aspects of a system, as this seems like it could be overkill for my current setup. |
If you are in to buying expensive cables I won’t be able to dissuade you. I won’t try. But as one of the few JA Perspective owners I’ll mention my own experience, as a data point you might consider: My Joseph Perspectives are in a separate room from my amps. I run standard pro-grade speaker cabling - in this case a 40 foot run of Belden 10awg cable (5T00UP on the Blue Jeans Cable site) from my CJ amps to my Perspectives. I heard the Perspectives plenty of time at my dealers, with all my usual test tracks, where they were hooked up to very expensive speaker cables. There is no discernible loss of sonic information in my Perspectives at home using the regular pro grade cable. In fact, my Perspectives sound "better" at home than in the store (set up/listening positions etc optimized in my home). Likewise, I’d owned other high end speakers, one pair of which I sold to an audio reviewer friend. At my friend’s place I would listen to the same speakers hooked up to $50,000 worth of cabling - top end Nordost, Crystal cable, others - and, no, I wasn’t hearing things I didn’t hear at home with those same speakers hooked up to the Belden cables (and my inexpensive interconnects in the rest of my system). I know well the pull of "wanting to make sure I’m getting the most out of my system" and if one is inclined to believe cables make big differences...well...there’s a market for that :-) If you are gonna spend a lot of money on cabling: Jeff Joseph is well known to be fond of Cardas Cables. I believe he almost always shows his speakers with Cardas |
@prof — thanks for your help and experience with the Perspectives. To be honest, I don’t feel drawn to spending tons of money on cables and your, umm, perspective is extremely useful in validating my suspicions. My current LFD speaker cables are terminated in bananas so they won’t work with the Josephs. But I think a logical plan is to have a chat with the folks at the cable company and order a few different options to try out, both speaker and interconnects. |