Pass Labs Speaker Choices

Hello, Just curious what everyone is using for speakers and their Pass Labs gear ?  


Pass X600 monos with Thiel 3.6s

Pass Aleph 3 with Proac 1SCs.  (and REL sub)

Yah these are old, but they work well together.

I will be running… 

Pass XP-12, 250.8, Bricasti M3, Cardas Cyngus cables. Waiting on my rack to come in is like a kid waiting on Christmas. 


I use a Pass XA25 with Fritz Carbon 7s. The Pass is in rotation with an Aric Audio Transcend with EL34s in triode mode.

SP10mk3 > Pass XP25 or Bricast M1SE > Pass Nutube B1 (quick substitute while Cello Palette is in shop) > Pass Aleph 1.2 monos > ADS L1290’s … lacks bottom at low levels but midrange to die for at any level. Speakers are my weakest link tho, looking to upgrade.