@emergingsoul ,
Don’t do it! Are you trying to save money on the wiring and installation? Not a good place to cut costs.
I can’t believe the number of posts I have read lately where audiophiles have used, or are considering using, this type of wiring method to feed their audio equipment. The reason for a multiwire branch circuit is save money. Period!
There may be 10s of thousands of dollars in audio equipment involved and the user chooses to save a few bucks by using this type of branch circuit wiring. Sorry, I just don’t get it...
Each Hot, (Ungrounded Conductor), must be connected to breakers fed from both Lines, legs, in the same electrical panel. Therein 240V between Lines, legs. (The 2 Hot conductors cannot be connected to breakers on the same Line, leg.)
Both breakers must be tied together with an Approved Listed tie to simultaneously open both breaker with one handle action. (A 2 pole breaker meets this NEC requirement. (New NEC 2008 requirement) .
Here is a YouTube video on multiwire branch circuits. LOL, sometime Mike Holt comes off a little like an air head but he is far from that. Holt is one of the members of NEC Code Making Panel. He’s one of many people that helps write the NEC...