Volti Audio! If you enjoyed the virtues of the La Scalas, look no further. The Volti Razz might do the trick & better than the Fortes in every way but the Rivals will be better than La Scalas! They’re a little more $, about $15K depending on cabinet finish reasonable sized footprint & very nice looking w/ a large variety of custom floors & finishes. They’re very efficient, (98 + db ), of course very dynamic, big, open sound, image great & not harsh at all. They are built by Greg Roberts in TN w/ high quality pro drivers & sound great at any volume from background to stupid loud concert levels. They are not the hyper detailed, etched sound like I think many high end speakers are but to me, sound more like live music than most other speakers I’ve heard including some very pricey ones!
I’ve paired mitt Rivals w/ Rogers High Fidelity integrated amp & they sound great w/ any good tube amp & I’ve been told also great w/ Pass Labs too. Check them out!