Klipsch La Scala replacement?

Hi there! 


I just moved to my new place and there's a BIG chance I have to get rid of my Klipsch La Scala due to space... I have been looking into B&W 702 S2 or maybe Klipsch forte. Any suggestions that anyone could provide would be great, I truly enjoy my La Scalas, hence I would like to buy something similar in audio quality.


Thanks in advance!



Volti Audio! If you enjoyed the virtues of the La Scalas, look no further. The Volti Razz might do the trick & better than the Fortes in every way but the Rivals will be better than La Scalas! They’re a little more $, about $15K depending on cabinet finish reasonable sized footprint & very nice looking w/ a large variety of custom floors & finishes. They’re very efficient, (98 + db ), of course very dynamic, big, open sound, image great & not harsh at all.  They are built by Greg Roberts in TN w/ high quality pro drivers &  sound great at any volume from background to stupid loud concert levels. They are not the hyper detailed, etched sound like I think many high end speakers are but to me, sound more like live music than most other speakers I’ve heard including some very pricey ones! 

I’ve paired mitt Rivals w/ Rogers High Fidelity integrated amp & they sound great w/ any good tube amp & I’ve been told also great w/ Pass Labs too. Check them out!

You have a NEW ROOM.  Your ROOM is as important as your speakers.  Find a dealer in your new town that will let you audition something IN YOUR ROOM before you buy.

Klipsch speakers have a very specific sound, which is not at all close to what the information on the recorded media is, so since you are used to listening to this sound, you need to be sure you are happy with whatever you buy.

I would suggest a "better" brand of speakers, but it really doesn't matter since you like the sound of Klipsch.  I am sure you will find something that fits your listening preferences once you get your room set.


If you can find klipsch EPIC CF4 your search will be over 

it’s one of the best speakers klipsch ever made period 


I was also going to suggest OP look to Volti. I've been busy saving for my own pair of RAZZ. Corresponded with Greg R. of Volti several times. He is a super nice guy, IMO represents the best of this awesome hobby of ours.  

@richopp thank you for your words, I had fortes ii before (Bob Crites upgraded) and I truly enjoyed! What better brand would you recommend? I couldn't afford 15k speakers set but definitely 3k.