I have found out why new cables and tweaks actually work!

The issue is now solved via irrefutable scientific data and rigorous validation after unprecedented levels of physical effort. I now know why swapping cables works, and why a great deal of other tweaks work too.

I spent a great deal of time over the weekend cleaning my entertainment center. I used a Swiffer with the extending wand attachment. Immediately afterwards I went to watch a movie and the sound was clearer, cleaner than I’d ever heard it before. The video didn’t change, but the audio, it was so good I stopped playing the Fellowship of the Ring for the 10th time and went to listen to music.

Oh my goodness, what deep and extended soundstage! Not only could I hear deeper into all of my music but instruments had bodies and height! Diana Krall was so palpably present I wanted to buy her dinner. But what had changed?? Every single cable was left as it was, but I had cleaned!!

That’s when it hit me. All my tweaks and all my cable replacements did nothing. It was the cleaning I did every time I replaced a set of cables that actually caused the revolutionary transformations I was experiencing.  Same for every other audiophile!! You've ignored the cleaning and ascribed changes to gear.  We've been fooled!

On a completely unrelated note, I will soon be releasing my own line of advanced, jitter free, cleaning solutions, in peach, evergreen, unscented and Axe Body Spray fragrances.


Audiophile are so slow to adopt what car enthusiasts have known for years….a newly washed car drives better, so why wouldn’t a freshly cleaned audio system sound better. 

I think we need to follow up on the Mythbusters episode where they proved that golf ball like dimples on a car reduced drag. 

It’s called starting a conversation, @Fuzztone

I do that but hopefully in meanignful and humorous ways that add to the otherwise droll litany of shopping choices and technology. I like those too, but I do think that this site benefits from not having just such a mindset.

Also, i do try to be honest, even if sarcastic. :)

I want to remind you and others, make Audiogon yours by starting the conversations you'd like to see. 

Well done Erik!

I also know for a fact my cars always accelerate better and get about 2 mpg more after a good wash and wax. Especially the new ceramic products.  The SiO2 molecules are apparently aero-phobic.  I saw it on a website somewhere.   I'll post it when I find it again.