I have found out why new cables and tweaks actually work!

The issue is now solved via irrefutable scientific data and rigorous validation after unprecedented levels of physical effort. I now know why swapping cables works, and why a great deal of other tweaks work too.

I spent a great deal of time over the weekend cleaning my entertainment center. I used a Swiffer with the extending wand attachment. Immediately afterwards I went to watch a movie and the sound was clearer, cleaner than I’d ever heard it before. The video didn’t change, but the audio, it was so good I stopped playing the Fellowship of the Ring for the 10th time and went to listen to music.

Oh my goodness, what deep and extended soundstage! Not only could I hear deeper into all of my music but instruments had bodies and height! Diana Krall was so palpably present I wanted to buy her dinner. But what had changed?? Every single cable was left as it was, but I had cleaned!!

That’s when it hit me. All my tweaks and all my cable replacements did nothing. It was the cleaning I did every time I replaced a set of cables that actually caused the revolutionary transformations I was experiencing.  Same for every other audiophile!! You've ignored the cleaning and ascribed changes to gear.  We've been fooled!

On a completely unrelated note, I will soon be releasing my own line of advanced, jitter free, cleaning solutions, in peach, evergreen, unscented and Axe Body Spray fragrances.


@erik_squires This is too funny.  Merry Christmas, I needed that laugh.

 used to work for the DoD making cleaning fluids for submarines to make them extra stealthy. The secret is dolphin spit. Turns out their spit causes a hydrophobic electrical charge to build on their noses which repels water and makes it easier for them to glide through the water.

Trouble is, we can only gather it while they sleep.



I’m not here to "start a conversation"

That’s what Reddit is for.


I’m not here to "start a conversation"

That’s what Reddit is for.

@Fuzztone In that case, don't start conversations.  No one is forcing you to.

What exactly is your problem if I am? You can be here for what you want while I and all the participants who join in the conversations I start, are here to start conversations. That’s how the internet works.

What exactly is your problem with letting others enjoy this site?

There’s a name for people who interrupt others who are having a good time, for no good reason but I can’t place my finger on it...

I’m particularly curious why you think your vision of what this site should be for is more important than mine, or that of the people who are happy to participate. Did you pay extra?


If you have a poor relationship with anything (car, machine, electronics, speakers, amps, cables, etc.); that item will perform more poorly for you.

Cleaning you equipment shows you respect and like it, so of course it will perform better. Wash you car and it runs better. Wash your dog and he licks your face. Dust and polish all your components and they sound better.

Relationship/perceptual bias?

@fuzztone  In case I'm not being clear enough, I'm trying to figure out why your passive aggressive commentary has continued this long.  I assume you are an adult, right? 

I challenge you to talk like one.  "I am uncomfortable with this thread because X  and wish it was more like Y because Z."

Try it out.