Why Don't you hear more about Audio Physics Speakers??

Anyone with an informed opinion of this brand

care to comment?? Thanks



After auditioning many speakers, I settled on the Audio Physic Classic-30. Iv'e had them for 8 yrs.,no problems at all. Great sounding speaker!Highly recomended!

Tempo Plus here and I think all the superlatives of smooth and natural, big sound stage and disappearing speakers all apply.  I think I'm looking for just a bit more weight and thickness. I'd like things to be just a bit more palpable.

In my search to upgrade to Codex/Midex I spoke to a couple of dealers and neither seemed to be a fan of the manufacturer. (New  Ownership)  What i heard was they now had too many speakers models with too many versions I, II, III, IV, 35th anniversary etc and too many finishes but in the end it didn't matter as supply chain issues likely prevented any new stock in the US.  I suspect this is why Vana is no longer the distributor. I do think they are looking for another US distributor however. How long that might take who knows.  

I'm also on this thread now as someone looking to upgrade their AP to something new and finding Perspective Graphene in the conversation, but suspect they might be a bit out of my league!


jl35- Now there is something I was not aware of. Thanks!

My friend has the Classic 10's with a "Glass Wrap" -upgrade.

I first saw the glass and thought "WTF"! Horrible idea!

But when I listened I realized it serves a purpose.

He will sell them for $1,200. At that price they seemed unbeatable

for a 2nd room system. 

Will audition again on the 26th and advise my decision.


I have Avanti IIIs. I got a great deal on a pre owned pair. But they really didn't sound as great as any of what I read. Disappointing. I put them away. Then I actually read AP's set up guide and one day dragged them out and tried that. Huge difference. Then I better matched components, even better (4 different amps and settled on a Naim). Then I raised them a tad on higher spikes. Better. Then I added a sub. Which I thought I shouldn't need, which is one reason I got them. That was the final enhancement. They sound better than anything I own or owned. Really beautiful on well recorded classical and jazz. But....a big but....that room is only that. If you are someone who can be a slave to a single sweet spot which the whole room and all your stuff serves, go for them. But if you want to do anything else or sit anywhere else in that room you are better with something else. My room is the old playroom, cleared out with just bookshelves against walls the system against a back wall, the speakers pulled forward 9 feet apart and a chair 8 feet away centered. I have a desk on the back wall and if I sit at that desk, with the chair only about 5  feet beyond the "spot" I may as well be listening to the radio.