Most studio monitors are rubbish for enjoyment. Both audiophiles and studio Pros agree on that at least
@kenjit Uh, no. No they absolutely do not and I’ve no idea where you’d even get any such data to support this except in your own mind. I had the pleasure of meeting/speaking at length with one of ATC’s top engineers and nowhere in that conversation did he say their speakers were rubbish for enjoyment, and the fact that their speakers are revered globally as both studio and home monitors would greatly refute your misguided contention.
There are some speakers such as B&W nautilus that are marketed as both audiophile and studio speakers hence they are used by both sides of the market.
But, if as you maintain studio monitors are designed to be flat and don’t sound good then B&W speakers must be bad studio monitors. Same with ATC, PMC, etc. Can’t have your argument both ways.
As usual, once kenjit’s “theories” are examined at all they devolve into unsupported circular logic that, much like toilet water, circles the bowl and eventually just ends up in the sewer where it belongs. But, wait to hear him double down on his garbage with further unsupported circular logic. Thus why kenjit is so beloved here. Ugh.