But, if as you maintain studio monitors are designed to be flat and don’t sound good then B&W speakers must be bad studio monitors. Same with ATC, PMC, etc. Can’t have your argument both ways.
Im not having it both ways. Youre just misinterpreting me. The term studio monitor is just marketing speak. As I stated earlier there is no such thing as a studio monitor. All speakers are made in the same way using the same parts. The only difference is the way they are tuned. That is one big reason some speakers sound the way they do. Now what I am saying is most of these speakers that are labelled as studio monitors, are in fact tuned excessively flat. As we all know this is WRONG. Some speaker companies like ATC or PMC dont fit the mould because they have a foot in both camps. One in the audiophile market and the other in the Pro audio market. So THEY are the ones having it both ways not me.
I had the pleasure of meeting/speaking at length with one of ATC’s top engineers and nowhere in that conversation did he say their speakers were rubbish for enjoyment,
That is because 1) they have a foot in both camps and 2) No company would criticize their own products would they?
If you want a less biased opinion you would need to see posts like this from audiosciencereview. Here is one post about those horrendous ATC speakers:
I’ve seen measurements for four ATC models, ranging from cheap to expensive. All measured poorly.
1 fail out of 1 might be bad luck. 2 of 2 I’d call an indication. 4 messes out of 4 suggests failings of a more systematic nature, IMO.
Finally (and I don’t expect you to place any stock in this last point, obviously) I’ve heard the SCM2000ASL in an excellent room and was unimpressed (although admittedly it‘a the only speaker I’ve heard in that particular studio)
Taken from here:
So in conclusion he found that the ATC not only measured poorly despite being so called studio monitors but also sounded horrific. I can also attest to that too. I have heard ATC and not been impressed. They are WRONG. Just trust me.
The Master has spoken.