This may be of interest to some...

The Internal Revenue Service on Friday announced they are delaying new tax-reporting requirements for millions of Americans who made more than $600 of income from e-commerce platforms such as Ebay, Etsy and AirBnB.


From today's WSJ


Sure..... If they're replacing those that are leaving why are they "new hires" and why the billions in additional budgeting. They will run out of millionaires and billionaires very quickly and start going after middle income earners. Most billionaires and millionaires have accountants that take advantage of our complex tax code. That does not make them all tax cheats. 

On a serious note, I was self employed and ran a business most of my working life. Paid a mountain of taxes and never thought twice about it. I was happy to be fortuate enough to have to pay taxes. It meant I was making money. For the vast majority of us who work hard and play be the rules, it doesn’t matter one bit how the IRS is going to "crack down" as it won’t effect us at all. As for those who cheat the system, meaning the rest of us are paying for them, I hope they all get audited and found out. I have zero sympathy for them. I’m gettin off my soapbox now and going back to the music.

For the vast majority of us who work hard and play be the rules, it doesn’t matter one bit how the IRS is going to "crack down" as it won’t effect us at all. As for those who cheat the system, meaning the rest of us are paying for them, I hope they all get audited and found out. I have zero sympathy for them.

Amen, brother!

taxes are what make civilization possible, but the neverending myth of rugged individualism persists.  Use short, and if possible, monosyllabic words when explaining the collective nature of modern culture, but don't expect the whiners to try to understand it.