End Game Turntable suggestions

Hello all, looking for insights to help me narrow down to some core choices; I am open to new or preowned. My system details can be seen under my profile.

In summary I have significantly expanded my vinyl collection and as of now I am looking to purchase an end game turntable appropriate for my setup. As you can see I use Mola Mola Kaluga Monos, and I really like the Zesto Pre and Phonostages. I find the class D/tube pre combination very pleasing. 

I would appreciate suggestions for around $5-8K (table + arm), new or used. I will have separate budget for cartridge. One preferred option (but not must-have) is universal voltage, as I may move the unit to Europe later. My current vintage turntable (Project Perspective) is 22 years old, and while I don't know how to compare to something really amazing, I can say that my setup is lacking detail and bass. The tonearm is terrible to keep aligned. Based on visits to Axpona and Cap Audio Fest and other research, I am thinking of a few in my budget, but will really value your suggestions of other brands:

- Origin Live Sovereign

- VPI Signature

- SAM Sinner

- Thorens TD 1601 (semi automatic)

Visual appeal is important to me (which is why Technics 1200 is not on my list despite great reviews everywhere). I love the idea of set it and forget it DD tables, but unfortunately mostly out of my budget (eg VPI HW-40 going for abt 11K used)....

Sorry for the long post but my hope is this background and help solicit good suggestions. Thanks



I encourage at least two tonearms, one with a removable headshell.

And then a SUT with at least two selectable inputs, PASS for MM, and optional settings for MC cartridges, thus only 1 phono input needed for any tonearm.

Best Stereo on main arm, Mono ready to go on second arm. Second arm removable headshell for quick change to other cartridges, yours or a friends. 

Second arm, easy height adjustment for VTA, and if cartridges of various heights are involved.


I've seen some two arm tables all; assembled, I'll post some later when I have more time if you are interested in the idea.

I personally helped a friend mount two Micro-Seiki Arms on this wonderful Luxman PD444



We know what we have best. Me, personally, I couldn't be happier with mine. Importantly, I have the skills and tools to modify, mount tonearms which makes a big difference is a solution like mine.

I put my vintage TT together with help here. Bit by Bit, Plinth and Spinner phase 1. 3  tonearms selected separately, also with advice here.

All in, except cartridges, $5,000.

I started with two arms, and later squeezed a compact 3rd arm on, so I have Long Arm with MC, any other, and Mono.

Mine is Vintage JVC Victor TT81 DD Quartz Lock Spinner in a JVC Victor Two Armboard Plinth CL-P2, seen here


How is a Clearaudio table not on your list? I scored a Clearaudio Ovation with Magnify tonearm preowned for $7k. Sounds absolutely incredible and looks amazing too!

I love my VPI, and the fact you can easily upgrade it make it a clear winner in my books. Consider that as a major plus in your decision. My last upgrade was a Walker speed controller, and a Koetsu Rosewood Signature which really stepped up performance. Good luck!