Acme silver fuses

Does anyone know if there is a break-in time ?
Do they sound harsh/hard in the beginning ?

Thanks !
As with all Acme products I would consult Wylie Coyote. He has the most experience with the entire product line over the last 50 years.

ET < clown
I did not hear any change after "break-in". What I did hear with this fuse was an increase in macro-dynamic power and fowardness to the sound.

LOL, things never quite work out as planned for Wylie Coyote. Hopefully the fuses are more reliable. :)

I'll imagine that silver will sound like silver.
This is a somewhat older thread. But I purchased 4 of the Acme cfc coated fuses. I have them installed in my MF m6prx power amp. I have a SR orange fuse installed in my MF m6sdac. The SR orange fuse has hundreds of hours on it. The Acme cfc fuses have only 55 hours on them. So far they are sounding smooth and clean. Now the acme fuses might be letting the SR orange fuse work better also. But at $640 for 4 of the SR orange fuses for the amp the Acme cfc fuses at $18 each will do my amp good.