That sound is right for me.

It is youtube video and I am listening through headphone. It is really right sound for me. It is nothing to do with the speakers as I am listening through headphone.  This guy has made preamplifier and power amplifier both by himself and they are both tube one. 

My question is that which pre and power could have that high in the market? does not matter it is brand new or used.



You may be able to contact the author of the video and ask questions. They may be able to give you clues of how to find what you’re looking for. 

Best wishes-

@uncledemp  you are definitely go into the core. He replaced the original crossover of the speakers and redesign a new tube crossover for the speakers and he said his crossover is much better. So now I have some clue, it is not just preamplifier and amplifier. 

@runwell That’s good news, one step closer! Best of luck finding what you’re looking for. Have fun! 

Much to my amazement, some YouTube sounds better than badly engineered hi-rez.

Case in point, remastered hi-rez of Led Zep cannot even remotely compete with YouTube’s Playing for Change cover of When the Levee Breaks.  You can actually hear the bass line!  

Check it out.  It’s wonderful.

You are absolutely right! When I listen through headphones, I enjoy it very much, this guy is truely making the  amazing sound. It will be a lot  better if listen in his room, I believe.

Limited in hifi record is really becoming a issue for us now. We need break through of hifi idea. Thanks.