I really like the Meadowlarks… great speakers. You have done a great job of putting together an enjoyable system.
However, you have streaming all wrong. While in your price range vinyl is likely to be the low cost solution. Streaming is not a fad… it is the future, period. physical media will be relegated to niche over time. Those that love nostalgia will stay in.
While getting a satisfying streaming system in the budget categories can cost more than vinyl… say a 25% premium… as you move up in sound quality the difference disappears. In my system, my digital and analog ends cost the same and sound about the same. I listen to my streamer about 95% of the time. You can see my systems under my UserID.
You do not need to spend $10K to get streaming leg that equals your vinyl. But if you do, the cost of music virtually disappears… $12.99 / month for access to millions of albums. This fundamentally changes the pursuit. You can get a $1K Streamer and $2K DAC that is likely to give your vinyl rig a run for its money and show why it is the future.