@nonoise Thanks for bringing Darwin Cables back to my attention. I remember reading intriguing things about their cables years ago but unfortunately forgot about them. Another company that also uses exclusively silver wire in their products is LavriCables that I found through building my reference HeadFi system. In reading through the Darwin site I noticed they refute the common misconception that silver cables = bright “if it’s done right.” Using my ears with my several LavriCables tells me the same thing — no harshness or brightness whatsoever.
I also hear the same thing with my Acoustic Zen Silver Reference ICs in my big rig and also through cryogenically-treated silver VooDoo interconnects I reviewed years ago. Bottom line, not all silver cables are bright and, done right, can be superior to copper and a super value for the performance characteristics on offer. Anyway, thanks for jogging my memory on Darwin cables, and I hope lotsa people put them, along with the others mentioned above, on their radar because if they don’t they’re missing out. Just my experience and opinion FWIW.