Shindo Masseto w Koetsu .3mv output

Hoping to get opinions on whether the MC stage of a Shindo Masseto has enough gain to produce strong dynamics from a Koetsu Rosewood Sig Platinum cartridge  (.3mv output). Or would I need a SUT?


Bonus question: any opinions on whether I would get better overall sound using an Aurieges pre (newer version) w an Hommage SUT through its MM section, or by playing straight into the MC section of a Masseto? The cost of each of these setups could be close to one another on the used market. When I say better sound, my priorities are a very organic "you are there midrange", lots of instrumental textures, realistic soundstage cues, and overall emotional impact of the music.


Thanks very much for any thoughts. My table is a Sota Nova vacuum and tonearm is Jelco TK-850 10". Amps are Quicksilver v4 monoblocks.


If you have not you should read the article below which should answer your question. Short answer: The Masseto is a better choice, and has a SUT built in to it.

Like the version of the Aurieges I tried last month, the Masseto is a full-function preamplifier, with line and phono stages under one roof. The Masseto goes a step further, providing a switchable choice between moving-magnet and moving-coil phono inputs, the latter accomplished with an onboard pair of amorphous-core step-up transformers.

The Masseto didn’t just play music better than the Shindo Aurieges: It sounded better, too. The more expensive preamp had a distinctly wider frequency range, no doubt because of its lower output impedance. And while I didn’t expect the stunningly low noise floor of the Aurieges to be bettered so soon, the Masseto did just that: It was even quieter, darker, and deeper between the notes—and, as with its less expensive brother, I simply could not get the Masseto’s phono section to hum.


Thanks for answering the bonus question! Appreciated. May I ask what cartridge you used and its output in mv?


+1, @jperry

The Masseto is a much better pre/phono than entry level Aurieges. If you still looking at options, also consider used Monbrison Pre from Ken Shindo era, which has an outstanding MC phono stage. I used my Monbrison with HANA Umami Red / SME 15AV TT. 


A friend of mine had a Masseto, which has now been upgraded to a Petrus. 

I heard his Masseto with his Koetsu Coralstone (not sure of the output) and my Ikeda 9GSS (0.3 mVrms (1kHz 35.4mm/sec. at 45 peak))

His system sounded great with both cartridges

Thanks for the great feedback guys. Good to hear a .3mv cartridge sounded great on the Masseto.

Lalitk, I seem to read repeated opinions that the masetto is superior to the old monbrison, and potentially not as good as the new monbrison. Not sure if you agree. Also these opinions may be colored by people's personal preferences as usual. Not always sure what "better" means to them.