Integrated amp recommendations for Harbeth 30.1

I have a pair of Harbeth 30.1 speakers, with Exposure CD player, Rega TT and an MHDT Orchid dac driven by an iMac. I sold my Exposure integrated and want to find something a bit warmer and something that can tame edgy recordings. The room is difficult, roughly 19 x 19 but I use diy wall treatments to settle it down. I do want a preamp out option to drive a JL Audio sub at moderate levels. I do not listen to music extremely loud. The speakers are 85 dB efficiency. I am looking to buy used and am considering a Supernait 3, a Pass INT-30a and a Coda CSib v1. Others I would consider would be Luxman, Sugden, LFD, Hegel, etc. So looking for experience with these amps with Harbeth or similar speakers. I am hoping to stay around $4k. And I hope to find something that I hold on to for a long time and proves reliable. Thanks for your thoughts. 


The Musical Fidelity M6si integrated amplifier offers excellent performance, facilities, and power. As per the Musical Fidelity web site “Internally, the M6si is configured as 2 independent monobloc power amps with a separate preamp. It is, in fact, a preamp with 2 monobloc power amps that just happen to share the same casework. The M6si has 220wpc. It has very low distortion, outstanding noise ratio and extremely flat frequency response”.

I am very happy with my Musical Fidelity M-6Si integrated amp since this amplifier deliveries the sound quality I am looking for. The M6Si amp drives my PMC Twenty5.6 speakers perfectly.

It is amazing to me that this $3,000 integrated amplifier sounds this good. Its build quality is excellent and it offers both RCA and XLR balanced inputs. This amplifier brought back the "magic" and I am very happy. I suggest you audition the Musical Fidelity M6Si amp.

TAS Review of the Musical Fidelity M6Si amp

For example, The Absolute Sound review says "With its exceptional power, the M6si delivers high quality sound that’s effortless and unstressed. Its stability margins are huge so it will DRIVE any loudspeaker easily. These are the bedrock upon which the M6si delivers fantastic sounding music. Because of its pre amp/power amp configuration, it produces wide stable images with an effortless, clear, ungrainy sound quality. Bottom end is delivered with a vast punch and speed of attack".



My experience is with Pass and Luxman products. Those HB speakers

like power and current. I now use and Pass INT25 with 87dB Fritz 7's

Coda supposed to be very good too.

Used you can get Luxman or a Hegel at $4k. 

With Pass you get a XA25 amp. 

I like your gear. You will pick well!

Almost forgot the room suggestion.

Try a placement, humor me, in which 

your gear is in a corner facing the diagonal

corner across the room. Then place the speakers

flanking the gear 2-3' out from the walls split apart 

by 8'. Place your listening chair 9' away in the triangle.


Let me know how it sounds!


Your biggest problem, by far, is using your iMac as your digital source.  Get yourself even something as simple as a $399 iFi Zen Stream and you’ll be much better off.  Using your iMac as a source — no, just no.  As for the integrated, Luxman, Coda, and Sugden would all be great choices.  Best of luck.