Master Clock for the SOtM SMS-200 Ultra Neo SE

Hi guys

I have the SOtM SMS-200 Ultra Neo SE in a rig with a very well treated digital signal. It sounds very nice, but it doesn't have a Master Clock input because I did not wanted to pay that aditional cost back then (now I kind of regret it as I have a Master Clock).


Has anyone of you tried this device with and without a Master Clock feeding it? Does it really make a noticeable difference? My experience has been that the further the device from the DAC, the less impact the Master Clock makes. The biggest impact is feeding the DAC. I have it also feeding a DDC before the DAC and the Uptone ER and I don't find a big difference, mostly on the ER.


​Please answer if you had a real listening experience. I don't want to start a technical debate. 



with pleasure… seems you decided on additional clocking on your ethernet connected equipment as well

Enjoy the music

Answer is yes.  I have SOtM SMS-200, USBultra, Estoteric K-01X, and EtherREGEN all clocked to a 10mHz Stanford Research PERF-10.  The synergy of the whole is greater than its parts. 

@dgarretson That sounds like an amazing setup.

@plga What was your final decision? I am in the same boat as you. I bought the SOtM sMS-200 ultra Neo 2 years ago with no clock input. I am considering adding a 10 MHz external master clock which means I need to replace the Ultra Neo and buy a DAC with clock input. I am also looking at the Gustard R26 streamer / DAC as well.