have you ever noticed that some very very attractive folks cannot handle their looks as it goes to their heads, and their personality becomes tainted by their good looks, and also those who have incredible amounts of money, even though they’re not good, looking or contaminated by the amounts of money they possess such is what we have going with the Flo he has a product that is a Break through contact enhancer, but his personality has been contaminated and tainted by this awesome product that indeed works on a $25 cable and turns it into a a giant killing $20,000 cable plus.
Great sound in the area of audio is not worth compromising My integrity and character as many in this industry have been bought out and paid for for either half price products or free products to write reviews open up threads and the such I would never ever write a review now on this product because the man carrying the product doesn’t equal The awesomeness of the product, whereas had he given me the refund without eBay’s intervention I may have given him a review, knowing that his character equals his product.
This is a great day for the light of truth and justice as she has prevailed over darkness