What Does It Take To Surpass A SME V?

Thinking about the possibility of searching for a new tonearm. The table is a SOTA Cosmos Eclipse. Cartridge currently in use is a Transfiguration Audio Proteus, and it also looks like I will also have an Ortofon Verismo if a diamond replacement occurs without incident. 

The V is an early generation one but in good condition with no issues. Some folks never thought highly of the arm, others thought it quite capable. So it's a bit decisive. 

The replacement has to be 9 to 10.5 inches. I have wondered if Origin Live is worth exploring? Perhaps a generation old Triplanar from the pre owned market?

 Any thoughts on what are viable choices? 








I have a similar impression comparing a SME 3012R to a Kuzma 4P. The 3012R sounds livelier in a pleasing way, the 4P over-damped. Comparisons made with a Lyra Etna and two ART 7s on a Luxman PD444 with three arms and two 3012Rs, one stock and the other(better one) with silver wire and a bronze bearing.

two 3012Rs, one stock and the other(better one) with silver wire and a bronze bearing.

I don't know why anyone would use bronze for a knife edge bearing, it is too soft and will wear quickly.

The 3012R sounds livelier in a pleasing way, the 4P over-damped. 

The 3012R has a charm to the sound.

I have set up multiple cartridges on the 4Point11 and have never heard it sound over damped. It is very quick, and quite neutral. I don't use the damping troughs on the 4Point.

As always with tonearms, the results can vary depending on the actual  TT used and mounting.

syntax or not syntax you can't win.

I don't think syntax is on your side. Its a German thing, everything must be correct.

If you think no-one else can win, you are probably the loser. 

Dear @peterayer : my mistake in my last post: " it’s not a VTF balance design " and should say: it's not a dynamic VTF design.


Yes, I remember your thread about and if you re-read my posts down there say almost the same with the additional issue of the external arm pod that per se could change everything.


Each one of us like some kind of distortions/color and nothing wrong with that but in an unbiased way affirm that the 3012R is superior to the V12 has no sense due to several disadvantages with the vintage one but if only one disadvantage could be enough is the different tonearm bearing design in favor of the V12.

