PrimaLuna Prologue 8 CD Player Sound

Anyone own a Primaluna Prologue 8 cd player. I am looking for a tubed cdp that doesn't have overly warm bass. Any owners care to comment on it's sonic signature.
Don't know how the Primaluna sounds but don't think it's ugly.
I have to agree with Foster_9 about the Raysonic.I don't exactly know how his sounds compared to the fully modded one I bought but after experimenting with 6 other players in the last two years this baby is extremely nice.Tube rolling brings it to another level.

Best of luck in your search.

Well, I have one. Running thru the Prologue 2 integrated. To me, it sounds fantastic. I may have bought the one that Kevin was referring to.......
Actually (upscaleaudio)
there were at least two that were sold for around $1500.
I know becase the seller refuse my offer just to sell it for less two weeks later. The second piece went for auction and was sold by the same seller for about the same.
I did not bit on that one because the seller pissed me off and I bought Opera Drople CDP from the dealer that I usually do business with. At the end , it was close.......and I almost end up with PL8 .......which I am sure would complement my rig just as well as Drolet......just a little different.

In the August issue of TAS the Primaluna 8 gets a fantastic review. A giant killer.
Jimbobtex, go figure, the Prologue 8 review in TAS is in stark contrast to the review in Stereophile. Stereophile is quite negative about the player