Should I buy an SME 30/12A for 15K?

I am a vinyl newbie with maybe 100 LPs (or less) in my collection. I have had a Technics SL1210GAE for past 2 years, I just plugged and played it. It’s good but my digital is almost as good or sometimes better.

I recently heard a SME 30/12A at the dealer’s, and it blew my mind, and my digital was no where close (the dealer had almost the same digital -- mine is Nagra Tube DAC, his was the Nagra HD DAC -- and we did on spot comparison, not an apples to apple of course but still best that we could under the circumstances).


Now given my relative inexperience with vinyl (I know next to nothing about setup), should I plunge for this offer which is offered to me at 1/3rd the retail price and probably an endgame TT for me.



Also, is this as great an offer as I think it is, are there better TTs at 15K$ retail price (I cannot/will not buy used) than the SME 30/12A?


mistake you have100 albums not worth it you can purchase a 7k table new that will outperform that table 


look at the Merill Williams real we did a shootout vs a 50k Kronos the Merrill sounded just as good

table is  built out of energy absorbing high density rubber laminates

Dave and Troy

Aufio Intellect nj

Merrill Williams dealer 

That's a fantastic bargain. If you buy it you're set for life. I assume it has a Series V arm. Is the dealer throwing in the fitted cartridge too? If not, you'll need to make sure you have a worthy cartridge and phono stage.

I have two SME 10 TTs, and they are plenty good enough for me. You'd be getting a 30 for the same price I paid for them.

At your dealer, was it the same cartridge? Was it the same, phono stage, amplifier, and speakers as you use at home? If not, how do you really know that the SME performed any better than your technics? If you just want to buy the SME 30 because it seems like a great deal, and if you have thea disposable income, you don’t need to ask us. Just go for it. but I would not rely upon that one listening session as a basis for any belief that having the SME 30 in your home system will be a revelation, apart from the revelation that comes with having spent a great deal of cash. 

If you plan to expand your vinyl collection, then SME 30/12A for 15K is a steal!