CD Player with the best Built-in Volume Control...

I'm looking for a CD Player with an excellent Built-in Volume Control, to use via direct-connect into Amplifier (Pass Labs X250.5 > Wilson Audio Sophia Speakers). Any suggestions?
Resolution Audio. The CD-50 is the model I've used but I expect the later models are even better.
Well, the two that I have knowledge of are the Audio Aero Capitole Mk II (used price around $3.5K) and the Resolution Audio Opus 21 (used price around $2.3K). Both of these cd players have an analog sound, which appealed to me, as I prefer much more analog to digital. (As opposed to some cd players, such as the Ayre C-5xe, which sounds more resolving, but also more digital sounding. I guess there are always tradeoffs, huh?!)

The AA Capitole is a great cd player. It is slightly better than the Opus 21, (as heard in my own system), but since used it runs half again as much as the Opus 21, it should be. The Capitole II is fully balanced, as is the Opus 21. Note: the Capitole II is top loading cdp, (and requires the use of a "puck"), which I'll be honest and state I did not like nearly as much as the front loading Opus 21. The Opus 21 does allow you to bypass the volume control, (for the very best sound), however that requires the use of the DIN output, which then requires a special interconnect. (I own and use the Opus 21 using the DIN output, with a AU24 interconnect.)

IMHO, it was not worth the extra money in order to gain such a slight improvement in sonics. But then again, I am mostly into analog, so the Opus 21 is "good enough" for me.

My recommendation is if you have the money and digital is your primary source, go for the A.A. Capitole II. If you're looking for a very good digital source, to pair with your analog source, (and wish to save some money), go with the R.A. Opus 21.

My two cents worth.
Audio Aero Capitole II

It can also serve as a pre for DVD, Satellite, and (latest version)--has analog inputs for a tuner.

>>Just not a pre for vinyl<<<

Great volumn control with tubes .
I would say, that it is silly to select a CD player, just
because of it's volume control. I have added high quality
volume controls, to several different CD players, and power
amps. I highly recommend the "ladder" style.