Thx for the comments! I do have a carpeted space upstairs with only 1 regular window that I could move to. But then I would have to “do music” as a separate, stand alone activity. If I did that, I would listen to music much less.
Windows and light are a blessing of our house. When inside, I’m still connected to nature. Even living in a city, we daily have deer sometimes coming a nose away from the glass. And fox and bobcat in the winter. With a 180deg view of the largest lake in the world 50ft away, curtains would shut out more that I would gain in sound quality. If I had them, I’d probably rarely use them. Maybe after sunset in the winter…no, not even then as the moonlight views out over the lake at night can be stunning.
So for me, I’m trying to do the best I can in this context. Of course, it would be tempting to set up a separate audiophile space with an entirely new system upstairs, and keep what I’ve got here for regular use. That’s a future prospect. I’d still want to optimize what I have now.