Another cable question

Please don’t respond to this if you are a non believer. Just wanted to know if anyone has had a good experience with silver or silver/ copper blend out from they’ve Dac. Currently using older Acustic Zen absolute copper. There has been a number of members saying good things about silver for digital front ends and I think I,d like to give it a try. Streamer is Aurender N200 using DH labs mirage two feeding Pontus two. Budget is $700 max and it’s seems there are a number of cables in that range, thx in advance and happy New Year!


@bikeboy52 yup. Ever since I put an AQ Hurricane on my Puritan PSM156 power conditioner I’ve become a huge fan. Next I bought an AQ Tornado for the amp (plugged into wall) that I just recently moved to my Bricasti DAC when I bought a Hurricane for the amp.

A word of caution with The Cable Company…if borrowing cables ask for the latest version. When I borrowed they sent me an older Hurricane (red jacket, braided). It does not sound as good as the latest Hurricane.
Your other option would be to buy from TMR with a return policy. They have used and open box deals. Once you try the Hurricane on your power conditioner I doubt it will be going back. 


Does your power conditioner use 15a or 20a cable? If 15, you can experiment between it and the amp. It’s really tough to say where it will make the most difference but what’s certain is it will be a significant improvement over the AZ Tsunami. You have a very nice system by the way. You should easily hear the benefits of a power cord upgrade. 

Here’s another option that has been well received by other members here and may save you $$$…

Forgot if you said you’re also looking for a USB cable, but they also make a very high-value USB cable that I actually do own…

@audphile1 Both the power conditioner and the power amp are 15 amp so that works good as you point out Thanks audiophile one!. @soix Soix I sent a question out to you yesterday but I tagged it wrong. When you decided to add a ddc was that decision make in chasing a specific SQ change or was it driven by the want to be connected via I2s? just knowing that is a superior connection? I know you said it was a game changer but was curious what the actual change was. And thx for the Lavricables tip, I know people have been speaking highly of them .

Wow! There are two cable threads running concurrently,probably close to fifty posts and not one cable basher has crashed the party. That’s gotta be some kind a record. New Year’s resolutions?

I use a Kimber KS 2120 AES/EBU digital cable to connect my Aqua La Scala DAC to my C.E.C. TL-5 CD transport, and am very happy with it. They are above your budget new, but perhaps in the ballpark used.

I have a very revealing system, but there is no hint of brightness or glare related to the silver.