Compact ~20WPC Tube Amp

I should say 20WPC or more....

I’ve been trying to use a 8WPC 300B SET (Sun Audio) with some vintage bass reflex studio monitors from the 70s (96dB) and it’s clear that I need a bit more power. Everything sounds really awesome but the highs will distort at anything beyond low-medium volume which has been fine but I want to play a little louder sometimes!

Space is limited so I need a stereo amp or maybe small monos are possible.

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With your budget you leave yourself with good flexibility in choices. I agree that Quicksilver amplifiers merit attention. I’d give Aric Audio a call/email. I believe that he could build a really nice quality amplifier within your price range. You’re in a good position with new and certainly used possibilities.


If you can find a Dynaco ST35, its a lot more linear amp than its bigger brother. But it makes about 17 Watts/channel.

SETs tend to have a limited amount of what I call 'usable power'. By that I mean its usually not a good idea to push them past 20-25% of full power. Based on your comments your speakers are nowhere near efficient enough to work with your SET.

If that 96dB number is real, your speakers are similar to mine which are 98dB. I find that I need a bit of power; at least 30 Watts. I have an average room, so I suspect you'll need at least that much.

So the amps you are looking for (if you stay with tubes) will be PushPull. They tend to have a much higher amount of 'usable power'; usually close to 95%.

The ST70 is not a bad suggestion in this range; the RM10 is another good one. Either should be properly refurbished. Another amp that might suit is the Harmon Kardon Citation 2 if you can find one refurbished. They make about 60 Watt/ch.