New Project RS2T transport

I have had one already and sent it back, did not work at all upon receipt. Dealing with the Music Room though is a pleasure. Will always do business with them. Had unit replaced with a new one, just arrived Yesterday, Sunday afternoon 7-25-22. Hooked it up and SAID WOW!!! I have a Meitner MA-1 DAC and the synergy is Fabulous. Right out of the box it sounded, GREAT. So very OPEN. I have been blessed when upgrading several pieces to be totally surprised by the improvements. VERY Audible!

I am somewhat concerned though as there have been a great deal of posts about quality control issues. (see first sentence)  As I said unit sounds GREAT, very impressed. HOWEVER, if anyone can comment that owns one, I noticed when placing the little magnetic puck on the disc that it just sits atop the center spindle and does not contact disc. The magnetic puck has a female center on the underside that goes over a very small  male metal protrusion. (SPINDLE)   I would think that it should go over that spindle totally and meet the disc firmly. (no space between disc and puck??? When I place puck on top of CD, It appears that the machining on the underside of the hole should be a MM wider so it doesn't sit atop the spindle and drops down totally on the disc. Hope this makes sense. Thanks Robert TN    Ps would like to thank Charles1 DAD  for encouraging me to stick with transport. It is that GOOD!!!   Just wondering if they all are designed to do what I am experiencing?


The unit is still listed on Pro-Ject’s web site. Very confusing. Mine has been 100% reliable. 


It’s a shame because sonically this transport even in stock form is a joy to listen to and can be enhanced to a higher level of sonic purity by adding a quality LPS like my Fidelizer Nikola II that I’m guessing this combo would compete with units many times its asking price

This is what’s so frustrating to me. As you say, sonically the RS2T is actually brilliant! I have been a strong advocate and recommend it because of the very upper tier sound quality it presents. Also I’ve had zero issues with mine. I don’t know why Pro-Ject can’t once and for all resolve the quality control issues.

An excellent sounding CD transport they’ve built but nagged by very fixable problems. This established company has resources available to avoid this. They were so spot on to utilize the Stream Unlimited CD Pro-8 drive mechanism and make it accessible for reasonable cost.

All other brands that have also chosen this drive mechanism unit are 10K USD and higher. It’s truly a high end CD drive unit.

Aqua Hifi/Audionet/Acustic Arts/Gryphon are the only other choices available for this drive mechanism.


Very interesting. Again I will say It took me a 3rd unit to get one to work properly. Going out shortly  to listen for a couple of hours. At least one of those hours will be strictly CD's. I had the music room "thoroughly" check my third unit before shipping. I am way beyond the 30 day trial period at this point, and have also invested in a LTA LPS for the RS2T. There is a 2 year warranty on same, hoping I dont have to use it. I think, (my opinion only) that in order to find something that sounds as good, you would have to spend thousands more. Vinshine audio has a MORE expensive unit available, don't know the track record though?? Would never spend more than I did on a transport ever again. If my RS2T ever fails, PERIOD!! and cannot be fixed, I will never buy another product from Pro-Ject EVER!! I don't think Pro-ject will let it ever get to that????? Just my 2cts. Good luck!

Well I did not want to leave what I mentioned the other day without follow up to the source. I called Fine Sounds today and this was what I was told. 

The bad units were a manufacturing mistake on the mechanism and the problem was compounded with rough handling during transit. 

The factory has corrected the issue. They have faced/facing bottlenecks with the transport mechanism. They feel they will receive their long awaiting order soon and can resume production. Back orders are expected to be May and new orders would start shippinbg in July.

I'm a US manufacturer and understand logistic issues and appreciated the explanation. 

After getting off the phone I felt confident they will make right on malfunctioning units and restore customer confidence. 

I got in line for a backorder unit to ship out expectedly in May. 



I’m a US manufacturer and understand logistic issues and appreciated the explanation.

After getting off the phone I felt confident they will make right on malfunctioning units and restore customer confidence.

I got in line for a backorder unit to ship out expectedly in May

Thanks much for this follow up information. It’s very good to know that Pro-Ject has identified the problem and is taking steps to resolve it. Initial QC measures could possibly have averted this. The RS2T is excellent sounding and reliability:dependability should match this level of performance.
