Cambridge 740c or Rega Apollo with Linn and Sonus

Hi everyone,

I live in a 2 bedrooms apartment and my current setup(living room) is a Nad C542 with Linn Majik-I int. amp. and Sonus Faber Concertinos. I am ready happy with what I have but would like to upgrade cdp to either a Cambridge Audio 740C or a Rega Apollo or any other player around the same price range. I mostly listen to jazz, classical, soft rock, voices. I would like a cdp that can transmit the emotion from a voice, not too harsh or too analytic. I prefer warmth, rich notes over detail. Which player do you think is more suitable for my setup and the qualities that I am looking for?

BTW, the full text of the hifi news shoot out review is on the cambridge website.
Gbmcleod - have you had a chance to use the 840's digital audio inputs? I am looking for a new cd player and this one had digital input, meaning that I could send my sonos zp80 signal to it and be able to sell my benchmark Dac1 to help fund the purchase...
Thx in advance!
The Cambridge is flavor of season. They are already starting to turn up fairly often in used. Rega has been a class leader at its price point for 5 or 10 years.

The benchmark dac is the same way. Take a look at how many you see used. Look at a hot review in Stereophile or the TAS on a piece of equipment and you'll see a lot of discussion on it and then it'll fade away and start showing up in the used section - see also Zu Adiagio - I could go on and on - Creek 5350 - Gallos - NAD - not to say these aren't good components but don't get carried away.
Very true. Those outstanding reviews tend to mean that some units get sold new that maybe should not have been bought. And then in turn cheap folks like me can scoop them up used 6 months later.
So whats new Wireless200? Every product has a life cycle - right? The Cambridge stuff has been "flavor of the season" for the past six seasons. Not bad for a entry level product - but clearly won't last forever.
Sorry, Jimmy, to be so late in responding. Haven't been in here the last 2 weeks.
Sorry , I have not tried the digital inputs. I would imagine they would be quite formidable, but I haven't had time to try that yet.