To Tube or not to Tube, that is the question

I've been building a collection of hifi equipment with an ear to sampling the major families of tech and their characteristic sounds. One thing I don't have is a tube amp, unless you count my Rogue Sphinx. I like DIY if the final product is of good quality and design. I'm not averse to used either. Budget range is $1000-2000.

Can anyone suggest a tube amp, either power or integrated that would bring a nice sound flavor to my sandbox and not break the bank. OR do you think the Sphinx and the Pass amps pretty well serve up most of what is to be had in terms of tubey goodness and maybe this is not a worthwhile venture?

Here is what I have got in the way of speakers to play with:


Tangent RS4

Klipsch RP-160

DIY Lii F6/Caintuck

DIY Lii F15 (under construction)

AR 2ax


And here is the current line up of amps:
Rogue Sphinx     
ClassD Audio Mini Gan 5    
DIY Firstwatt F6    
DIY Pass ACA (2)    
Onkyo TX-6000 Receiver    

Thanks in advance for your opinion.


Ag insider logo xs@2xbruce19

However, the ST70 uses a pentode for this task, where the ST70 uses a much more linear triode.

@atmasphere  This seems to be a typo, did you mean theST35 is a linear triode?

BTW I read your article on amp design paradigms this morning. Good Stuff! I think your thoughts are along the similar lines as Nelson Pass's on this subject, no? Meaning that his Firswatt designs are an exercise in creating tube sound with solid state components. 

I really respect when creator's like yourself willingly and openly share thoughts on design and function. It helps keep this hobby from being a total marketing exercise.

This seems to be a typo, did you mean theST35 is a linear triode?

@bruce19 No.

The feedback is taken from the speaker terminals and then applied to an early point in the amplifier circuit; in this case the cathode of the input tube. In the original ST35 circuit, the input tube was a 7247, which is a dual triode 9-pin signal tube with one section being that of a 12AX7 (the input voltage amplifier) and the other being that of a 12AU7 (for driving the power tubes).

By contrast the ST70 uses a tube that has a pentode input section, which isn't as linear. They were able to get away with using the 7247 in the ST35 since the EL84 power tubes are so much easier to drive than the larger EL34s of the ST70, so less gain was needed.

Clear as mud??


If the ACA's work with the F6's you might look into the Elekit 6L6 based single ended amp kit.

It's well reviewed and still available at various vendors for around $900 (link is for details/specs).

Looks like a lot of the amp "kits" are out of stock (including the Dynaco re-pops mentioned).




Thanks but the ST35 is also available from Dynakit directly. I learned this when I gave him a call. Seems the business has been paired back to a one man operation from home and he prefers to take orders by phone. Apparently he has not updated the web site, but the owner seems like a very nice fellow. He had one available for me but I was not quite ready to order yet.

@russ69 Thanks for that comment. It kind of helped bring into focus the fact that for me the desire to build something new is at least as much of a driving factor in this as any new sound I will experience. I notice that very frequently the momentum at Audiogon is for buying something new regardless.