Headphones vs speakers….

So I’ve been patiently waiting to buy the final pieces for a Benchmark HAB2 and DAC3  system. I have the Totem 1 speakers and decided to hook them up to an old Naim Nait 5i (probably not the best pairing) and Cambridge Azur 840C CD player. Over the last few months I’ve been on a quest for great sound through headphones  and a headphone amp while I’m waiting and after maybe five sets of headphones I’ve found what I was looking for and I’m very happy.

After hooking up the Totems and Nait today I’m very disappointed. However, my room is far from treated yet - I have installed a large carpet, furnishings and will be hanging thick floor to ceiling curtains on the three walls - one behind the speakers and two side walls. However, wether I’ve been spoiled by the incredible sound of my headphone setup or I’ve been expecting too much from a full system  I can’t imagine after room treatment and dialing things in that I’ll be anywhere close to being as impressed as I am with my headphones…..do any of you guys feel this way or am I being too pessimistic?



Agree with all

Proper corner horns are considered to be the most “headphone like” sound by most listeners due to the least amount of interaction (reflections) in the room.

I sometimes use mine in my heavily treated basement and they do sound the most like headphones to me (compared to my other loudspeakers)

Thanks guys

Headphones I tried were DT770s (80 ohm) - liked them a lot for the price and bass response, DT990s, nice but I missed the bass response. Tried others but I was on a quest for “good” bass, soundstage etc etc. Had to sacrifice soundstage somewhat as I preferred the bass response from closed back cans. Jumped up from $150 to close to $2000 for Fostex TH 900. The Fostex are a bit recessed compared to the cheaper DT770s but that’s ok. Just impossible to find one pair that has everything I’m looking for but I’m at a point of just trying to get myself to be content and stop chasing something that might not exist - I’m 95% of the way there and should be happy with that.

Right now the room is echoing like crazy and I’m putting my hopes on those curtains for the three walls and probably will add more soft furnishings. Swapped the Totems out for a pair of Paradigm S2V2 i had in storage out of curiosity but with the bigger cones the bass in the room is worse. Still, I know I have a lot of work to do to get this room right but I’m loving the headphones. Still not 100% with the Fostex as they are very slightly bright for my liking but I may be able to sort that out with EQ. I have to say the DT 770s are great for the price and my personal preference. Trying all kinds of headphone amps also - yes, you can go down a rabbit hole even with headphones!

Thanks again

Two more thoughts -- first, ever try any planar headphones?  I recently picked up a pair of Hifiman Sundaras and have been very pleased with their performance. Overall, I like them better than the Stax phones I used to have.  Note they have this model available in both closed and open back.

Second, you indicate you are "95% of the way there...."  My comment here is that you are ALWAYS at the mercy of the recording, and there is no shortage of mediocre and even poor recordings out there.  The problem is if a playback system -- phones or speakers -- "fixes" or improves a mediocre or poor recording, it is also going to mess with a good recording.   As such, even if you have an unlimited budget, there are always compromises involved in the playback gear chosen.  If you are 95% of the way to where you want to be, my advice is to stay reasonable about your expectations for further improvement. Don't spoil your enjoyment of where you are.

Agree with all that mlisstl

im still in the addictive phase with headphones and I have one final pair to test out - the Audeze LCD 2 planners. After that I’m finished exploring and experimenting more. 
Agree on recordings, in fact on a nice system of good cans I can’t listen to a lot of my favorite tracks if they aren’t recorded well and I find myself enjoying music that never interested me if it’s a great recording. I have a few reference tracks that I try all my headphones against and if I’m not liking what I hear on a given set of headphones with those tracks I’ll give them a pass.

Anyway, I should have my preamp in about two weeks and my room will be treated by then so I’m very curious.

I have used both for a long time. Headphones have good deep bass and you need full range speaker, true 20hz. The main thing speaker do better than headphones is soundstage. So it will come down to if soundstage is important to you.