Best sounding low power (under 80watts) Class AB amp?

What the world needs is a nice sounding lower power class AB amplifier under 35lbs. I'm tired of power sucking light-bulb dimming Class A designs and 80+ pound Class AB immovable boat anchors on dollies. Tubes and Class D need not apply.

An Audio Research 100.2, CJ MF-80/MF-2250 come to mind. What else is there?

What do you think? I'm I the only one?

--Sensible in Springfield.


You might like the Konus Audio Integrale (integrated amp) or Robusto (stereo or mono power amp). Fast, natural, alive.


Here are a few professional reviews:



What’s the budget? 

LTA has fancy pants tube amps that weigh next to nothing for 4K+ and are supposed to sound excellent. I can’t see the value there but I don’t know what goes into it but they are pretty much universally praised. 

This is very difficult as you are looking for low weight in a class where transformers tend to still be relatively hefty.  And…what sounds “good” to you.  Do you like a more liquid, musical sound like Luxman or do you prefer a more clinical and accurate sound like Hegel?  

Chord comes to mind if you like a more accurate sound.  The TToby and etude are good sounding amps.  I think they are class G technically.  For a more liquid sound, I know this is class D but not your Class D of 10 years ago, check out the AGD Audions.  You can easily mistake these tiny little amps for MOSFET based ABs.  

Full disclosure, I am a dealer for both brands but am struggling to think of any items that meet these requirements.  I think Valvet is class A.  Sugden is class A.  CANOR, NAD, Benchmark, etc… are all Class D.  This is a tough request