Why don't higher end amplifiers come with a separate power chassis?

Many higher end preamplifiers come with separate power boxes, but I don't see amplifiers with separate boxes, any idea why this might be?


This is an educated guess. Most amps, at the highest level are monoblocks. Most of the highest level preamps are two box (power supply separated from the amplification). So preamps are amplifying very low level signals and the important part is keeping the high energy power supply away from the low voltage amplification. In amps, the amplification is high power, so keeping the two channels separate is more important. This is so universal… it must be really obvious to designers: monoblocks for amps and power supply separation for preamps.

@emergingsoul Wrote:

Why don’t higher end amplifiers come with a separate power chassis?

See below:


Atma-Sphere MA-3


There are a few, but amplifiers aren’t usually as sensitive as preamps, so there really isn’t much nee for separate power supplies.

It's very expensive and as stated above not as necessary as in a preamp with very low level signals.