@albertporter -Albert, thanks for weighing in. I think this did address the OP’s question directly based on your experience.
@mijostyn - I’m not taking "shots" at you and feel for you if you are suffering from an influenza.
As you might recall, I have both the Kuzma Airline and the 4 Pt 9" arms. The pods for the XL are 30 lbs each and are immovable without considerable effort. My set up is on an HRS platform, which in turn sits on the big Minus K bench top isolator-the BM-1, which has an optional floor stand of welded steel with a phenolic top and indents for the feet. It is tricky to set up, particularly with a table like the XL where there is no single center of mass and that mass is distributed via the HRS platform. It does work well, though. And the trick to adjusting the arm level is to use the arm behavior itself-- using the technique of how it tracks in the run-out groove as well as its behavior along the rail on which the arm travels.
I’ve found that lower compliance cartridges, like the stone Koetsus, behave better in this arm than higher compliance cartridges. There is no "wander" or "hunting and seeking" unless the record itself is out of round. My experience with this set up is that you don’t hear the sound of a record playing--what I call a "halo" which is an artifact you can more easily discern when it is absent.
This is not for everybody- it’s complicated by the need for an air compressor, which is located in another room in a silencer box I had fabricated (by wood workers, I don’t have your skill). I hear no air hiss or high frequency anomalies caused by the air bearing; I’d say the biggest negatives are cost, set up and dealing with air compressors (I got pretty good at servicing them- the Silentaire folks are not far from me, in Houston, and have been great).
PS: the Koetsu also lends a certain gravitas to the sound that the Lyra and Airtights lacked. Interestingly, when at Albert’s we directly compared the Airtight Opus to a Koetsu Blue Lace--you can readily hear the difference on Albert’s system-the Opus was more linear in sound, but I could hear more "wood" on the drum sticks via the Koetsu. Perhaps a coloration, a little of that Koetsu "technicolor" splendor, but it works really well in my system, given the character of the Avantgarde Duos and the rest of the system in my room with the addition of 15" subs and DSP (only on those subs).
I hope you feel better.