I’ve been perusing many, many other forum posts on other sites that substantiate the pro reports, which is really what I was after with this thread (either support or contradict the pro reviews).
Speaking in absolutes really gets folks on Audiophile forums going, as there of course are none, and it disrespects other great components that are out there.. My apologies for being absurd! :)
General consensus of qualities of the MU1 vs Innuos Statement and Antipodes K50 I found to be:
- The MU1 is organic, natural, transparent, revealing, with class-leading spacial imaging, with great musical flow.
- Versus Innuos Statement which is also truly great but may be slightly less organic.
- And versus Antipodes K50 which is more organic and rich, vs the MU1 but less revealing. K50 also has excellent "musical flow". Detail is described as "dense".
- People talk about musical engagement most with both the MU1 and K50 it seems.
- I don' t quite know where Aurender fits into this mix.
Yes, each of our experiences may vary from the above depending on tastes, systems, and rooms, but these are common attributes described by a mix of pro reviewers AND individuals. I think this helps my understanding, knowing nothing beats my own ears.
I find discussions like this of value because it just such discussions that led me to audition the Gryphon Diablo 300 when I wasn’t finding any amps / preamps I liked in home demo comparisons. I ended up buying the Diablo a few years back and still absolutely love it and haven’t considered upgrading even once. I also find that how people generalize the qualities of the Diablo are 100% consistent with my assessments of it, and why I ended up choosing it when I couldn’t find anything else I could live with in that price range. I even agree with the one or two slightly negative comments on the Diablo 300 DAC module’s sound, but I still love it for it’s good qualities and have no desire to replace it. Hopefully I agree with the consensus on the MU1 when / if I get a chance to audition one, but could easily pivot if I find the consensus to be untrue for me.