Direct fair comparisons of streamers is extremely difficult to undertake. What dac streamer is partnered with extremely critical as best port for rendering is unique to each streamer, same goes for dac. Optimal matching means best port on streamer to best port on dac. For instance, Antipodes claims AES/EBU is best port, is this best port on any particular dac it's partnered with? Other streamers claim USB, I2S, in that case usb or I2S should be optimal port on dac.
In regard to general reviews, streaming setups so variable, and likely unique, to point they may hold little value for you. Has network been optimized, what about ISP quality, music player software, optimization of OS, and I could go on.
I believe proper integration or matching of streamer to dac is seriously undervalued at this point in time. Quality of rendering is one of the most critical operations in streaming, matching optimal rendering ports on streamer and dac is absolutely necessary in order to hear full potential of any streaming setup. Far too many reviews don't evaluate streamers in their best light, leave out comparisons of different ports to optimal ports on dacs.
In evaluating streamers on their own, I pay very close attention to how rendering is implemented within streamer, dedicated power supply and clocking on dedicated board is optimal, ports coming directly off motherboard subject to higher noise and less than optimal clocking.