I certainly fell for the magazine fuelled Linn/Naim bullshit back in the 1980s.
This, despite my reservations of one certain Ivor Tiefenbrun (Linn) he always sounded like a shifty individual.
Julian Vereker (Naim) on the other hand seemed rather more candid and straightforward, as did Roy Gandy (Rega). Julian even once said he'd have a Quad system if he couldn't have one of his own amps.
Eventually I woke up to the realisation there was more to audio playback than mere PRAT (pace, rhythm and timing). In fact, there’s an awful lot more, including tone, texture, imagery etc.
The problem with most of these ’philosophies’ is that they tend to only promote their own strengths and remain very quiet about the weaknesses.
So therefore perhaps they shouldn’t really be called philosophies, perhaps sales pitch would be a better description?