REL speakon connection to amp vs speakers

I will be connecting 2 T/9x's to my system (B&W 805 D4) driven by a NAD M33. I am wondering if there is any audible difference between connecting them to the amp or to the speakers directly and am guessing somebody here has tried it.


I only use the system for music and I listen relatively quietly, the "room" is 16 by 16 but open concept so the total space is 16 by 50.


I have also have pair of T/9x's and contrary to the above, I use the sub-out connections from my integrated tube amp to the RELs, RCA to RCA (low input not LFE .1)

I've done it both ways and prefer using RCA interconnects for stereo.

I also have a Yamaha A/V. My main speakers double as fronts, and the RELs are connected using the LFE input / RCA subwoofer cables so I use the RELs in dual mode (5.1 and true stereo) seamlessly.

The M33 has pre-out and sub-out connections that you can use for the RELs - if you use the pre-out, the REL crossover will handle more of the bass management so in your case either should work if you decided to go this route.

REL pushes the speakon connection partly because it's easier from a support perspective - everyone can use the speakon method.

If they didn't want you to use the pre or sub outs, why provide the extra RCA input?

I've spoken with REL support and both work, it's a matter of personal choice.

If you stay with the speakon connection, trim the cables!

PS. I know this wasn’t your question but it took me a while to figure this out so FWIW...

IMO integrating the subs with the mains works best with the subs on either side of the mains, phase set to 0.

Start with the crossover set roughly 5-10 hz below your speakers bass response or at the min for full range speakers. Gain maybe 10-15 clicks. Adjust from there. You should not hear the subs when they are set up correctly (or "see" them with your eyes closed) but miss them when you turn them off:)

Interesting approach I will have to try. My original question was connecting at the speaker or amp end.


But using the sub out does indeed mean I can use the m33 for signal processing (cross over frequency) but the reason for my question was actually I was thinking about upgrading the sub cable and I have 10 plus feet between the amp and the subs and the cost is way higher running the cable back to the amp.


Connecting to the speaker outlets is the recommended method, but be careful.

With balanced amplifiers Rel recommends a different way of connecting subs, so do some research or there might be "issues".

I have done both. On my old setup my fancy speaker cables were terminated in banana at my amp end and spade at the speaker end. I had some custom rel spec cables from an even earlier setup that were terminated in banana so I just piggybacked them off the speakers. It worked fine. 

whenever I upgraded to my current system, and my new speakers, cables, and Rels I made sure to order spades for my main speaker cables so i could piggyback the banana rel cables off the amp. 

i suggest calling rel and just asking what they think!