Cheapest but good cables….

Ok, I’m setting up a little system, a Benchmark AHB2 and DAC3 HGC. I had old Kimber cables laying around but they are going to be too short. These are from 15 years ago and I’m sure they were good and expensive. However, I’ve been a bit skeptical about speaker cables and interconnects and was going to ask here if it’s all BS but I see an older thread where almost everybody agrees that quality cables are extremely important - duh, more money!

I don’t want to go overboard on twelve foot speaker cables but I don’t want to sell myself short neither after splashing out way more than I intended to on this system.

im looking for recommendations for the cheapest cables that I’ll barely hear a difference when comparing to expensive cables.

thanks in anticipation


Blue Jeans, Belden. I have a ton of it here. PM me I may have a length you are looking for. 

Signal Cable: USA small biz, Frank is great to deal with. Very good cost/quality/performance ratio. 

Not sure any standard cable is suitable for under carpet unless designed for that, which Nordost is not.

holmz    Better be good wire.  Just ordered 24' of it.  Should be fun.  Thanks for info.

+1 on the Blue Jeans cable suggestions, Iconoclast BAV is the next step up in that product line, also flexible; also an excellent value.