Why is it that every time, lately, that I'm interested in a thread...

... a couple days later it gets removed by the moderators? How bad can a thread be to deserve being REMOVED? 

I may have missed something but... I'm confused!


I don't think it's 'crying' to a moderator when a member insults, accuses, belittles and denigrates, or makes negative blanket statements against fellow members. It's against the rules, it detracts from the thread at hand, and the person or people it's directed at has/have every right to see it deleted. Many times there's a canyon of space between truth and opinion. 

+1, @thecarpathian

We lost another thread earlier today. The OP was simply asking opinion from actual users of three brands of ethernet cables and the thread quickly went down the path of pissing match between the usual naysayers and believers.

The only way to avoid going down the path of insults, belittling is by not engaging certain members whose sole agenda is to cause disruption with the intent of provoking others into displaying emotional responses. Just check their post history before you take the bait.


  I guess it's all in the viewpoint.

Snowflakes view "If you don't agree with me, you are intolerant! You should be censored, deleted, banned, fed to the hogs'"

Conservative view " Eh, no skin off my ass. Next. "