Music Hall Trio / Arcam Solo / etc.?

I am interested in the new generation of one-box players such as the Music Hall Trio and the Arcam Solo, but I can't find many reviews of them (particularly the Trio).

At the moment I have an NAD C340 amp (50 watts) and an 8-year old NAD CD-player. Could someone venture an opinion on whether one of the one-boxers would offer an improvement in sound? I'd also be curious to know how the Music Hall Trio's CD player would compare to the Music Hall CD-25.

Last, are there other comparable one-box players that I should be aware of? $1600 would be my upper price limit. I don't really care whether the unit includes a tuner or not.

Hi Quidnunc,

Since you like NAD, they also have an all-in-one device. They call it either the L53 or L54, if memory serves me right. Check it never hurts to have more options.

Personally I have only played with an Arcam Solo--I can't comment on the other units. The Solo has a lot of functionality packed into it and is very simple to setup and operate. If you are looking to hide the electronics in your room, these type of systems are a good choice.

Thanks for the responses. I would still be curious to hear from anyone who is able to comment on the sound quality of these units.