Multiple receptacles on one dedicated circuit has the disadvantage of having multiple ground points, increasing the chance of ground loop hum. This is why it’s not a good idea to have one receptacle for each piece of audio gear.
I am not an electrician, but you have lost me on this: "Multiple receptacles on one dedicated circuit has the disadvantage of having multiple ground points"
If these outlets are on one dedicated circuit, they all connect to the neutral/ground bar, at the panel, on the same equipment ground wire and on the same neutral wire. Right?
If you had multiple dedicated circuits (one for each outlet, which is what I was doing in the past) THEN you would have "multiple ground points" (as you put it) AND multiple neutral wire connections. Right?
This is why it’s not a good idea to have one receptacle for each piece of audio gear.
So what are you saying the option is? Some kind of strip or a power conditioner? Aside from the possible benefit of ’power conditioning’, how are either of those any different than having "Multiple receptacles on one dedicated circuit"?