RIP Jeff Beck

Too soon, even at age 78


Yes this is another big lose to the fraternity but no one lives for ever.

can anyone name one other profession where people never retire and play to the day they die? To me this shows how much they love making and playing music. I would give my left nut to be able to play guitar. Tried and tried but could not make it work. Leaves me to enjoy the heck out of the music produced by the gifted ones who can! Thank God for them and thank God for the guitar!!!!

He will certainly be missed: RIP.

I'm reminded of a double bill when he toured Guitar Shop with Stevie Ray was a tremendous night for guitar lovers.

As an aside to that evening, Terry Bozzio (Missing Persons) almost stole the show with his masterful drumming; I'd never seen him prior nor since.

Blow by Blow, produced by George Martin, was a regret of his but is still one of my favorites.


My son saw him in orange Johnny Depp just a month ago.  He said he was still great. Depp not so much. RIP