Bel Canto DAC3 or CD-1

I have been told that addind a DAC3 to my existing CD player would result in better quality sound than getting a used CD-1 to replace my old CD player (Underwood HiFi modified Onix XCD-88...virtually the same as a Music Hall CD-25)

The reason I am asking for your opinion is because a friend and fellow Audiogoner brought his CD-1 up last weekend and it sounded fabulous in my system. My CD's never sound this good. Thanks in advance for your comments!!
Thanks for you comments so far. Coming from a dealer who sells Bel Canto products, I was told to keep my present CDP and add the DAC3 for an even better sound than what I heard last Sunday with the CD-1 and my system...3.6 maggies speakers, C J PV-12A preamp, Rotel RB 1090 amp, M L Depth sub.

I couldn't believe how much better every CD that I played that day sounded over what I have now. But my dealer contact said the DAC3 would be better!!
I just bought a used DAC3 here on Audiogon. I can't wait to hear it. It will be interesting to try it through my preamp and then minus the preamp and direct to my amp.
After one day of listening with the DAC3, it is without a doubt a better sound than the CD-1. It blows me away. My system has just moved up several levels!!

Can you be more detailed re the differences between the CD-1 and the DAC 3?
