Headphone amps

Hello there again, curious everyone’s thoughts on the following headphone amps?
Pass Labs HPA1, Benchmark HPA4, and the SPL Phonitor xe ? I know there are many options. I listen to a variety of music overall but enjoy rock most of the time. Also open to other options, thanks again.


The Benchmark is a great 2 channel preamp if the definition of great is not adding to the signal. The HPA4 was also excellent with my warmish Meze Empy headphones, both now sold.

The best rock and roll headphone I have heard is the new RAAL CA-1a ($2K). I have heard it only with the top end VM-1a tube amp, but it can also be connected to any of the headphone amps that are listed on this thread. The guys on Head-fi are saying it kills also with other amps, though the VM-1a is the king.

I read that the HPA4 sounded good with the CA-1a, though that surprises me a bit, must have been using a warmish DAC.




The Benchmark gear is the one to go to for high quality accurate  reproduction.   Does that mean it will sound best?   No.  What sounds best is a purely subjective determination….a matter of personal opinion.  It’s quite possible that a highly accurate sound is not what one is looking for.   But if you don’t know what it is you are looking for, it’s the logical place to start. 





Benchmark is known for “highly accurate” sound… which I think many find to be “too accurate”. I run in the opposite direction when I hear these descriptions. I want to be drawn in to the music and emotionally connected… which is what my systems do. Others prefer something else.

Benchmark is great if you want to be friendly with ASR crowd. But, it is many times more expensive than the Topping China stuff, which measures the same or better. Now, of all the sudden, ASR crowd disagrees. So, what do you do? 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️🤔

The Topping pre90 preamp is nowhere as good as the HPA4 and LA4 preamps from Benchmark. I have had all 3. Even ASR folks agree about the short comings of the pre90 with certain amps. Though, one of the Stereophile reviewers uses the pre90 has his reference preamp over the LA4.

The Topping D90LE DAC is also not as good as the Benchmark DAC3B to my ears.

Here is an observation I had with 4 DACs and my RAAL VM-1a headphone amp. I tried the following DACs with everything else being the same:

1) Benchmark DAC3B

2) Lumin X1

3) Topping D90LE

4) Musetec 005

The DAC that stays in with the VM-1a is the DAC3B. The X1 was also excellent but there is something about the DAC3B and how it syncs with those VM-1a tubes that makes it my choice.

This weekend I was testing out the Lumin X1 direct to amp (LEEDH volume control) vs the Benchmark LA4 preamp connect to the X1. The LA4 was still a bit better. You could tell at low volume, and I even preferred it a louder volume. However, I decided to give the X1 a go over a second LA4 because I want to minimize boxes.

If I wanted the very best sound for the X1 system, I buy a second LA4 preamp over ANY other preamp at any price. At the moment the best sound is of secondary importance on the X1 system. I hated preamps that colored the sound. It irritated the heck out of me, don’t get me going on the noise from those preamps.