Streaming need be no more difficult than the rest of your system. You simply need the highest quality streamer and DAC you can afford. Do your research about the quality and sound characteristics of each. The value of each should be about the same as your preamp, or amp.
First on format. The most important thing about the sound quality from your system is your equipment. Period. 99+% of the sound quality is determined by your equipment not the format. once you get really high quality sound you can join in the fray about how x sounds like Sh!t and Y sounds fantastic… which probably is going to be splitting hairs if you have good equipment.
Most high quality streamers will support them all or all minus one. Your source will determine what formats are available. Qobuz is most widely regarded as the highest sound quality. They have high a million high resolution albums and a couple million more at red book CD resolution. Forget ripping, file storage unles you like fiddling around. That is so ten years ago. I have a bunch of stored files only because I have stayed on the leading edge of digital since it’s inception.
MQA is not trash, on a good system it sounds great… I used to listen to Tidal (they have MQA)… but Qobuz is better (by a small but noticeable margin) and they have lots of higher resolution albums.
Get a dedicated streamer… not a PC. Typically even a budget Bluesound streamer sounds much much better. The PC route is all sorts of work and hassle and unless you want to make playing around with PCs and routers your hobby… don’t do it.
If you don’t have a Ethernet connection near you, don’t worry. Get a cheap wifi extender for $59, plug it in next to your system and an Ethernet cable into that, and done. I have and know of many $150K systems running this way.
For a streamer, unless your budget will not permit it, look at Aurender… this is all they do and produce some of the best on the market… I have two. My systems are shown under my ID.
If you need a budget DAC… look at Schiit Yggdrasil… outstanding performance for a low cost.