How much should I spend on a new DAC

Hello Gents. What would be reasonable sum to spend on a new DAC relative to my current audio rig.

Speakers: Sonus Faber Olympica II

Integrated Amp: Pass Labs INT-25

DAC: Pro-Ject Dac Box S2+

Speaker Cables: Kimber 8VS Bi-Wire

Power cable: Kimber PK10 Base

Interconnects: Audioquest Tower

I must say I'm very happy with the music coming out of my speakers but It's obvious that the DAC is not the same league as the rest of the equipment.


Gustard R26.

I just prefer the sound to a, not the most expensive delta sigma around, smsl 10, though that was connected to node 2i via toslink.

The smsl 10 didn’t sound “bad” but the tos link has it’s limits. Still a good little delta sigma with a lot of choices for output filters

I also removed the Node 2i, too many issues with the frustrating lack of control over the wifi.

celestial__sound OP

86 posts



I understand the computer can be a weak link. But, even though if I add a good streamer I will still have to use the PC as a roon core. I don't think using a  LAN connection instead of USB will make such a big difference  



@celestial__sound wait…I thought you came here for advice. Doesn’t look like you have much experience in setting up a good streaming front end. So what are you basing your doubts on?

I read all the hoopla about the r26 upon its release. Obviously this is Gustard's way to go with the flow as to not miss on any sales. I get it. However, in my system and room, the r2r ultimately did not give me the clarity that I get from my vinyl rig. The delta sigma is much closer to it. Whether that has to do with a lesser expensive r2r vs. a more expensive delta sigma, I don't know and don't need to find out at this point.

@baylinor Yes, but you compared your DAC to an R2R DAC that’s literally half the price and you think that’s apples to apples?  You’re happy and that’s fine, but don’t kid yourself that you’ve got something superior to an R2R DAC because you haven’t done a valid comparison.  Comparing your DAC, which is obviously a good DAC, to a DAC that’s half the price is just not a good benchmark to go by.   Compare it to an R26 and I’d love to hear your impressions.  The review I linked was a head-to-head comparison with your DAC and the R26 in the same system and the results weren’t close — the R26 was clearly superior in pretty much every way.  By all means be happy with your X26, but do not presume to use your apples-to-oranges comparison to extrapolate that your DAC is better than R2R DACs in the same price category.

Well I’m going to have to drag home one of these $4-6k DAC’s, because right now I’m listening to Cowboy Junkies, “The Trinity Sessions” through my RME ADI 2fs with Teddy Pardo LPS, Nordost Frey 2 Balance direct to Cary V12, Frey 2 speaker cables finally to Wilson WP 6’s and I can’t image without upgrading speakers it could get much better. I’m sure the big dollar DAC’s are better but I’m not too worried about it. 

Before I would dish out big bucks on a DAC, I’d look at a streamer over using a computer. Never used a PC admittedly so I could be missing something. I have owned Kimber 8TC and a couple PK10 Golds and they are good cables, but not the last word in resolution, air and speed. I’d experiment with other cables first before you toss your Pro Ject to the curb. If the Pro Ject uses a SMPS maybe spend $400 and get a good LPS like a Teddy Pardo. 

I don’t know your Pass but own a X250. I’m sure your INT 25 is wonderful with your SF which I have heard. Thinking that combo is great. I’d suggest a cable upgrade, a linear power supply on your DAC if it’s a switched type and for starters try the current Node as a streamer. 

Good luck. 




To address your question- $2-$3k will get a DAC that

keeps up with your other gear.  There is a DAC du Jour 

introduced every week so I am not going to suggest anything

in particular. Many good choices.

You have some very musical gear, congrats!


I use the Innuos Zen3 streamer which is a No-Dac, 3 box solution

I love. I also use the INT25. If you listen loud -80db+ 

and have a larger room -over 400 sqft- you may benefit 

from a bigger amp. 

Keep us posted please.