Under my tower speakers -- Isoacoustics Gaia, other options?

I have Ascend towers (45lbs each) on a concrete floor covered in thin wall to wall with an area rug on top of that. I am looking into different footers for my speakers and am curious what people with towers on concrete have tried and liked.

To my mind, something as expensive as Townshend platforms do not seem worth it, as they'd cost about a third of the price of the speakers themselves.

If you've tried Gaia III isolators or other kinds of feet for your speakers, especially on concrete floors, I'm curious to hear your observations. Thanks.



Yes, isolating the speakers from the floor prevents the floor from being a passive radiator. But my floor is concrete with a carpet on top of that. I cannot imagine it's radiating that much. Then again, I just may be limited in imagination!


Thanks for your report about your Gaia II's on your wood floor diaphragm bobbing up and down. You might not have seen in my OP that I have a concrete floor.

@whiznant -- you have a wood floor, too. I have concrete but appreciate hearing the name Aurlex.

@rvpiano -- thanks for your report about the concrete floor effect. Be nice to know if it's the height.

@robert_1  I suspect you're right, but a friend and expert audiophile went from those cork deals to Gaia and had his skepticism overcome. Different speakers than mine but concrete floor. Hmmm.

"Townshend Podiums will be so effective as to like double the value of any speaker." 

I believe it's a good product but I have to admit this claim is hard for me to fully accept. The videos are impressive but your phrasing, well, it made me giggle.

Do you have another handle, MC ?

@nonoise  Agreed. There's a way in which scientific claims can be accurate but misapplied. We can measure things to the microgram, but that doesn't really help us bake. 

If I see my 100lb speakers wiggle wildly it will be due to a problem far beyond what Max T is capable of resolving.
Jokes aside, I use spikes and floor protectors that came with my speakers.

As far as components are concerned, I pulled all isolation devices out. Concrete floor and solid component rack is all that is needed. 

Don’t waste your hard earned money.

buy some racket balls, cut in half, put,speakers on them with slightly,larger fine grit sandpaper under the racket balls.off the,floor, and not like the bass will resonate concrete. Or tennis balls, or go to a home store and buy 2 cutting boards for the,speakers. Have my,amps 1 each on a very thick cutting board, which I threw 5 coats of cherry stain n them, they,look nice. Don’t drop that kind of money on snake oil.


Home Depot, get some large flat stone squares for the speakers, use normal cutting boards, nt inflated prices by some greedy snake oil douche.




Or get some 2” restaurant pads, ones that the,cooks stand on all day, spikes would sink in and never move. 

I used racketballs in my rack years ago, worked a charm, and your not getting taken advantage f by the eejits who say “use our modular half circle moon isodampening pads, they will make the music reach out and lightly stroke your ears and neck like a bunny fart. 
use your own ingenuity.  Plus. U have brag rights of saving hundreds of dollars for which you and your wife can get a nice steak and blue cheese med. rare only!



Your DIY suggestions include putting cutting boards, or large flat stone squares, on top of the situation I describe -- which is carpet on a concrete floor. I don't see what putting your suggested hard things on top of another hard thing, my the concrete floor, makes sense. Can you explain?