Musical Surroundings Phonomena II+ -OR- Moon 110lp v2 -OR- Parasound ZPhono XRM Phono

I have a Rega P3, which one would be my best bet? Does anyone know the differences and weather the Musical Surroundings is nearly twice as good as the Parasound, as the price suggest?

What I am lacking from my setup is detail. The more complex the music is, the blurrier it gets


Not certain.

Many Rega TT posts mention the use of light/rigid wall shelves or light rigid racks.

As the Rega wall shelves have hiked quite a bit in price and I'm not certain if the less expensive Project wall shelf (said to be good) is still produced I figured that a Lak table would be a good/cheap light/rigid experiment.

The side tables sell for $15 here (coffee table $40).

I made 2 Lak's (one TT platform spiked - one rack using brass cones) when I had 2nd full systems in the spare bedroom and liked them.

I used to find the end tables discarded on the street in my neighborhood (just checked and I still have 3 left in storage).

You could even try something like this (instead of spikes).



thanks DeKay, I will definitely look into these options. I "thought" the Rega feet do some of the/a decent job of isolation. 

One should really have their TT on a good solid foundation and isolated from foot falls and vibration. Lack of detail is more a cartridge issue, alignment, VTA (nonadjustable but you can get shims for Rega TT)  tracking force all plays a part. 


I'll add keeping the stylus clean to your list.

I've been using the original Magic Eraser for years now, but my arm has an up/down lever (don't think I would try it manually).

Before that I was using a travel sized ultrasonic toothbrush with replaceable batteries (just touched the stylus with it) and a stylus brush - the Magic Eraser works just as well.

A dirty stylus and/or groove wear on LP's is a common cause of what the OP describes.



What cartridge do you have (see a few options supplied by Rega with the deck)?

The light/rigid approach is geared towards draining vibration off/away from the Rega (not isolating it).

This approach also works with my sprung/suspended TT as well as the CD deck.

Instead of buying one of the expensive recommended light/rigid racks I purchased a bolt together steel rack and mig-welded it into a one piece "rigid" unit.

I also ended up with zero fill in the hollow legs after experimenting, but the rack is located outside of the living/listening room.

