You know when you are dealing with a BS company....

...when you read statements like this:

"You can expect a 15% to 20% improvement in sound for each level as you move up the line. The improvements are in soundstage, resolution, realism, musical presentation, impact, etc."

Me: yeah, the humidity in my room changed from 44 to 45% yesterday, and I immidiately noticed that the realism dropped by 3.4%, yet the musical presentation actually WENT UP by 8.3%. I was able to compensate by turning the lights on in the kitchen and changed my socks. Puh, that was close.





To be totally honest with you I never had even considered Marrow cable let alone ever read their online content.

Your post has probably sent more people to this site, that reviewed the marketing content and maybe even made a purchase. 

You do know the old adage, no? 

"Bad publicity is better than none at all." 

Their marketing is working. 

Monster Cable: I just tested mine, and it improved the realism of my sound by 28.3%! Tomorrow, I will test musical presention and report back.

(""You can expect a 15% to 20% improvement in sound for each level as you move up the line. The improvements are in soundstage, resolution, realism, musical presentation, impact")

   I think over the years Morrow’s marketing is a little unusual. I have Level 4 IC’s, speaker , power and a digital cable. All of my cables were purchased during sales events and we’re 50% off. One of my transactions was with Mike on the phone and he realized I was scraping money together to by what I wanted. Without me asking he offered me a lower price and gifted me 10 days ( 240 hours ) of burnin for free. I have a cost driven system that is from various US companies that is pretty much boutique stuff, Zu, Had, Schiit, Rogue, Morrow, Akitika. In my 3-4 conversations with Morrow and my transactions, I find them to be honest , timely , and truly interested in my personal music experience. I think the peanut gallery has jumped in and taken this in many directions. Based on personal experience I won’t co-sign most of the BS , but in my opinion Morrows marketing is a little unconventional. But they do offer a trial period, and I’d be curious out of the approximate 60 contributions , how many have actually tried them. But again that’s  not your question. Happy Hunting , Mike B. 

I am sure they are Fine products but...

I own Zero Morrow wires/cables/connectors and am 100% happy...


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